Monday, February 26, 2007

A few pics

After I made the post with all my pictures from campus, I realized that I had a few more pictures to share.
^ This is our entire interstudy group...
^ This is from the first week I was here, when I got completely sunburned at the beach. As you can see... my swimsuit gives me a lovely tan line. I'm getting a new swimsuit pronto.
^ This is the ginormous snail that I mentioned in one of my e-mails... though I didn't put anything in the picture for a size reference, I swear the snail was the size of my hand!

Ngihlala eThusini

The title "Ngihlala eThusini" means I live at Howard College in Zulu. Here are some pictures from campus!

My res... "home" for the next 4 months.

Inside my res.
My messy (how surprising) room.

Treacherous stairs I have to walk like 5 times a day!

A few paths on campus.

Just some views of campus.

^ The view of Durban from the library on campus.
^ The library... I thought the reflection of the palm tree was a nice touch.

I haven't actually been into this building... but it says "Howard College" on it so it seemed photo-worthy.

^ This is Memorial Tower Building, where I have about half of my classes.
^ Birds of paradise... they're so pretty! They're all over campus, along with various other flowers and plants.
^ The view of the harbor from campus.

The beginning

So I finally remembered how to log into this blog I had created... I thought it would be an easier way to keep you all updated on my happenings rather than continually sending out e-mails. Unfortunately I had forgotten my log-in and password... but now I know them again so will be able to make use of this.

Classes have been going alright, and the days have continued to be filled with socializing. On Friday I went to the beach again :) The weekend was pretty relaxed... the trip to the township didn't work out (but I'll be sure to get to a township one of these days).

My fan broke yesterday... which means it's even hotter in my room and my sweating is pretty much constant. It was very tough to sleep last night, so a trip to the store is in order because I'm not sure I'll survive without a fan.

I took some pictures of campus and will be posting them shortly... I've used all of the upload space on my photo page for this month, so I'll have to leave the pictures on here for now.

That's all for now, nothing too exciting.

Welcome to the world of my new blog!