Monday, February 26, 2007

A few pics

After I made the post with all my pictures from campus, I realized that I had a few more pictures to share.
^ This is our entire interstudy group...
^ This is from the first week I was here, when I got completely sunburned at the beach. As you can see... my swimsuit gives me a lovely tan line. I'm getting a new swimsuit pronto.
^ This is the ginormous snail that I mentioned in one of my e-mails... though I didn't put anything in the picture for a size reference, I swear the snail was the size of my hand!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh - that snail is itty bitty! No way is it the size of your hand.
but wait! You have small hands!

Very nice photo of everyone - Hope you're leaving the monkeys alone and not stealing their fruit!