Monday, February 26, 2007

Ngihlala eThusini

The title "Ngihlala eThusini" means I live at Howard College in Zulu. Here are some pictures from campus!

My res... "home" for the next 4 months.

Inside my res.
My messy (how surprising) room.

Treacherous stairs I have to walk like 5 times a day!

A few paths on campus.

Just some views of campus.

^ The view of Durban from the library on campus.
^ The library... I thought the reflection of the palm tree was a nice touch.

I haven't actually been into this building... but it says "Howard College" on it so it seemed photo-worthy.

^ This is Memorial Tower Building, where I have about half of my classes.
^ Birds of paradise... they're so pretty! They're all over campus, along with various other flowers and plants.
^ The view of the harbor from campus.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hello. This is really from Trev. We were just looking at your pictures and he wanted to say hi.


He also says "I wish I could be there to see the monkeys with you"

He was having fun with doing his name himself.

I really am freaked out by the stairs my sometimes clutzy girl...please be careful!

Love Mom and the boys