Monday, March 26, 2007

Capetown in Pictures

So I realized I have a ton of pictures from Capetown... and the site that I've been hosting my pictures on has a limit of how many pictures I can put up per month, so I thought I would share some of them here instead. These are all of/from Table Mountain (except the really wide landscape one of the mountain which is taken of the mountain from the Robben Island)

^This is the vertical escarpment we essentially rock climbed... from this angle it almost looks like steps but let me assure you the vertical drops are much bigger than they look.
^The "path" we took getting halfway up the mountain.
^Table Mountain as seen from Robben Island
^The "path" we took down from halfway up the mountain... yeah... there's not really a path there. We came down from somewhere in between the two shadows, I think.
^Gondala to the top
^View from the Gondola, the island out in the sea is Robben Island
^The view down

^Me and Kelly on top of the mountain... it was so gorgeous up there!

^The sun was setting on our gondola ride down... it was pretty
^The city and cape
^Still on top of the mountain... the order of the pics got mixed up in uploading I guess


Mom said...

Beautiful honey! You look so happy and healthy in the picture. It is great to see that smile so often!

More later.

Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Some amazing pictures V.... I hope you are doing well half the world away! We miss you!!