Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A little isiZulu for you guys

Here's a little video that I made for you... just wanted you to hear what Zulu sounds like. Hope you enjoy! You can expect a real post soon, I've got a lot to put down into words.


Mom said...

Very cool! It was fabulous to see an animated you and hear your voice too. I can envision you speaking quite well by the end of your visit.

Have a great trip this weekend if I don't manage to connect with you before you go. Take a lot of pictures!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Great video! It was really nice to see your new comforter, not to mention your long hair.

Have a great trip. Hope your studies don't get in the way!!!

Love you,


Anonymous said...

It is always fun to read your posts and now, to see you "star" in a foreign language movie!!! (; Way to go!

I like your haircut.

The snow is going. I'm hoping most of it wil be gone before noon on Saturday so I don't have to do much shovelling to get the Suburban out of the driveway to pickup Randy & Nancy & all at the airport. How did they manage to be in Hawaii while we endured two major snow storms???
Not fair!

I'm glad you are having a good time in Africa, and are able to experience even more in your ravels.

Stay safe and know that you are in my thoughts and in my prayers.

xoxoxoxo Grandma Kay

Mom said...

Hi honey. Your brothers just got to watch your movie. They think Zulu sounds pretty funny! Not as funny as tofu and maputo but close... Anyway, it is bedtime for them so they say goodnight (or good morning I guess!)

Love you,
Mom, Tynan, and Trevon

Mom said...

So I was just watching your movie again...when I noticed the inset movies. I missed them before! So very cool. Thank you for that. I really can't wait for your brothers to see the kids dancing. I can hear Trevon now "I saw his butt cheeks". Everything is butt cheek right now, sorry you are missing that! Heehee

I look forward to hearing about your trips and am anxious to talk with you soon.
Love you,
Mom xxx ooo