Friday, March 2, 2007

Not missing the snow

So... I got an e-mail yesterday from the U of M saying that they cancelled classes. Interesting... I heard that almost never happens.

The weather there must really suck right now. I went on to read a bit about it, and found out they're expecting up to 2 more feet (again, after you guys just got that much last weekend as well). It also said the MSP airport had cancelled 400 flights. I'm happy I'm not there.

Sadly... I had to pass up the beach today in favor of the library :(
I've got my first music assignment due on Monday and all of the resources are only available in the library. What sucks even worse is that the library is only open until 12:30 tomorrow and not open at all on Sunday. The sun feels so nice today... I just wanna go to the beach.

There will always be other days for that I suppose.

I figured I should report this funny story (one of Mom's comments reminded me that I hadn't shared it...). Earlier this week I was walking up the stairs in one of the academic buildings with two friends (Gideon and Raj) and I completely tripped up the stairs and almost fell flat on my face -- I stopped with my face about 3 inches from the stairs. My knee really, really hurt... and a few minutes later I realized it was bleeding! It's scabbed up now... but for a few days it hurt everytime I walked (which is alot... and all the stairs didn't help much!). Now the internal bruise is finally surfacing and my knee looks even nastier. Yes... if there's one word that can always be used to describe me, it's clumsy.

Anyways, hope you're all staying safe and warm!


SouthAfrica said...

Happily, it would be first if flights from South Africa were cancelled due to snow.

Anonymous said...

You need to come back and move your car so I can finish clearing off the driveway. Currently there is only about 4 feet of snow covering it, so it shouldn't take that long.

Also, when you get back, your're grounded.

Have fun at the beach!

Love you,


Mom said...

I really like the new picture Ness. You definitely look happy and healthy! Love you.

Mom xxx ooo

Sorry I missed you when I called. Hope to talk to you again soon.