Last weekend I had the opportunity (along with about 15 others) to visit one of Durban's townships, supposedly one of the best-known townships in South Africa. I was very excited about the trip, and I'm happy to have done it.
Our trip wasn't just to the township though... we also went to a lower-middle class area of multi-family houses and an area where the government is building more houses in a township. These stops were to give us something to compare the township to, and to give us a wider perpsective on living situations within South Africa. Our trip was guided by two of the local South African students who live in the guys' residence hall.

This is the first place we went... a lower middle class neighborhood I guess you could call it, with all these buildings that had tons of little apartments in them. We went in two different units in this area... one only had 2 rooms (including the kitchen, and the bathroom was essentially in the same room as well) and we were told it usually holds about 7 people. We also went into a slightly nicer unit which had a living room / kitchen then two bedrooms and a separate bath. I thought it was strange that they would have such different units within the same building, because it would be hard to deal with some living in fairly decent conditions and others living more or less unsanitarily. The electricity in these units kind of work like my cell phone here... on a pay-as-you-go system where you buy cards and put them in the machine and you only have electricity on when you need it, and if you can't afford another card then you don't have electricity.

The kids here loved our digital cameras! They thought it was so much fun to take pictures of us and eachother. Some of them were quite insistent on keeping the cameras for a while, and they thought they were really good photographers.
Once again you have shared so much of this experience. Your vision is realistic and open-minded. I do not think a better experience than this semester could have ever been achieved in a classroom here. You have empathy and optimism that will really make it possible for you to help others when you venture into the "real world", though obviously it doesn't get more real than this!
I love you.
Mom xxx ooo
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