Friday, June 15, 2007

Heading home

I'm about 90% packed and will be leaving for the airport in a few hours.

We had a nice dinner last night at the Roma Revolving Restaurant, it was on the 32nd floor of a building near the harbor and since it spun while you ate we had a continually changing view of the city. We stayed up pretty late talking with some of the people from the res hall, and didn't go to bed until after 1 am.

Then Gideon, Sam and I got up at about 6:15 to go out and watch the sunrise from the top of one of the tallest buildings on campus. It was pretty great.

I'm sure I'll be exhausted in a while, but I do have a very long plane right ahead of me so I guess that's ok.

Flight to Jo'burg at 2:40, flight to D.C. leaves at 5:55. About a 16 hour flight, with a stop in Senegal (I think to refuel). D.C. to Chicago, then finally Chicago to Minneapolis. I'll get in to Minneapolis around 1:30 pm (Sunday).

My cell phone will be on starting Sunday night. I'll be at Dad's for most of the week, starting my senior project at the U on Tuesday. I'll be heading to Rochester on Thursday or Friday to spend the weekend there.

Thanks for tagging along on my adventure. See you guys soon!

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